Aqualift has an expanding portfolio of instructional documents and product designs that will allow the potable water industry to integrate with current best practices in water quality and personnel safety.



  1. Reservoir Design for the Next Generation PDF
  2. Reservoir Design – Upstream and Downstream Thinking PDF
  3. Titan Arm Installation PDF
  4. HDPE Outlet Screen Installation PDF
  5. Directional Inlet Nozzle Installation PDF
  6. Unsuitable Outcomes Top 10 PDF
  7. Renovation Solutions PDF

Product Drawings

  1. Titan Arm PDF
  2. Titan Arm Mast Head PDF
  3. Platform Clockface PDF
  4. 316 Stainless Steel Ramtube PDF
  5. HDPE Directional Nozzle PDF
  6. HDPE Directional Nozzle Two Way PDF
  7. HDPE Directional Nozzle Positioning PDF
  8. HDPE Screen PDF